How to setup the ADSL router in DSL mode

截图00.pngHow to setup the ADSL Router in DSL mode?


Product line: ADSL              Question category: Internet Settings


I. Physical connection:



1. Connect the telephone line to the DSL port of the router.

2. Take an Ethernet cable to connect your computer with one of the yellow LAN ports (1, 2, 3 or 4) of the router.

3. Check the LED lights. Ensure that Power is on, the LAN port which you have plugged the cable in is on, the SYS and DSL are blinking.WLAN is on or blinking.

Note:If you can access internet through W150D/W300D after setting,the DSL light should be always on.



II. Login to the management page of the router:

1. Open a web browser (IE, Firefox, Safari, etc.) and find the address bar. Leave it blank before typing in, and then press enter.

(Note: The address bar is in the most top of the web page after opening web browser).

2. You will see this following page, you can check the connection status here. Please hit on Advanced Settings.

Note: If you have consulted your ISP and confirmed the connection type is PPPOE, you can set W150DD/W300D in a fast way with the followings steps: select your country and VPI/VCI , input your internet access account and password into the blanks, set a password for wireless network and hit on save. Generally, you can access internet now if you refresh this webpage several times until it shows connected. If you have no idea, just go to advanced settings.


3. You will see the following page.

4. Click Advanced Setup first, then click connection Mode, check DSL Mode and click Apply. It will reboot if you change the mode form Ethernet Mode.

5. Then go back to Advanced Setup and choose WAN Service.Then click ATM Interface and click Add to add a new setting.

6. Then set the correct VPI/VCI value from your ISP (Internet Service Provider) and then select the DSL link type. If you don’t know, please ask your ISP. When you have selected the right type, click on Apply/Save.

Note: PPPoE, IPoE and Bridge are included in EoA.

 7. Please click WAN Service first, then click Connection Settings and click Add to add a new connection.

EoA click here     PPPoA click here.   IPoA click here.

 8. In the WAN Service configure page, please select the correct WAN service type and click Next.



PPPoE(PPP Over Ethernet) click here

IPoE(IP Over Ethernet) click here.   

Bridge click here.

8.1 For PPPoE.Type in the username and password provided by your ISP in the following page, and then click on next to continue.

 Click on next again in the follwing two pages until click on apply to save the settings. Then you can click here to skip to 9.

 8.2 For IPoE. You will see the following page.

  Obtain an IP address automatically, if your ISP doesn’t give you a fixed IP. If you have a fixed IP given by your ISP, please check Use the following IP address, typing in the IP address information in the blanks.

  Click on next to continue.Click on next again in the follwing pages until click on Apply/Save to save the settings. Then you can click here to skip to 9. 

8.3 For Bridge. Click Apply/Save to save your settings in this following page.

 Note: In this mode, W150DD acts as only a modem, not a modem router.


NoteYou should dial-up in your computer. Take WIN 7 as an example. Please do the following steps:

Step1: Go to network and sharing center from control panel. Under Change your networking settings, choose Set up a new connection or network.

Step2: Under Choose a connection option, choose connect to the internet.

 Step3: Select Set up a new connection anyway.


Then choose No, create a new connection in the following page.

Type in the User name and password given by ISP, and click Connect.  

After that, all the settings are done, if you chose Bridge.

8.4 For PPPoA.Click Next to continue as shown as below.

   Input the PPP Username and Password given by your ISP and click next to continue in this following page.

  Click on next again in the follwing pages until click on Apply/Save to save the settings. Then you can click here to skip to 9. 

8.5 For IPoA. Click Next to continue.

    Input the WAN IP Address and WAN Subnet Mask given by your ISP. Click on Next to continue.


  Click on next again in the follwing pages until click on Apply/Save to save the settings. Then you can click here to skip to 9.

9. Please go to WAN under Device Info on the left menu,check WAN status and IPV4 Address. If it shows connected and have assigned an address,it means you have internet now, please skip to IV. If not, please go to III.

III. If the WAN Status doesn’t show connected, please try these following steps.

1. Power off your modem for a while and then turn the power back on.

2. Refresh or reload this page three times to check the WAN Status, if it shows connected, please go to


3. Make sure the parameters provided from your ISP are correctly input. Check the internet connection type.

If the problem still exists, please contact us!

IV. Steps for wireless settings

1. Click on Wireless first then click Basic , please change SSID (it’s the name of your Wi-Fi) to another name, only numbers or letters can be included in, and select the channel to be channel 6(or channel 1, or channel 11) then click on Apply.

2. Click on Security under Wireless, please don’t check Enable WPS. Select Network Authentication to be WPA-PAK and select WPA Encryption to be AES. Set a password for your wireless network in the blank of WPA passphrase (at least 8 numbers or letters).Next, go to V.

V. Connect to wireless network

1. Unplug the cable between your computer and Tenda router.

2. Find the name of your wireless network, the SSID you set it before.

3. Type in the correct security key to connect. When it shows connected, you can use Wi-Fi now.


Download this article:

      How to setup it in DSL mode

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