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2. Check if the APN information is correct
We can refer to this link: https://youtu.be/N6LXeljdP3c to compare the APN information queried by inserting the sim card into the Android phone with the APN information identified by the device. If not,we can create a new profile to add the correct APN information, please refer to this link: https://youtu.be/0oUfrb1Fvww
If you encountered other situations not described above, please update your router’s firmware or contact our tech support by send E-mail to support@tenda.com.cn
Tenda Россия, Россия, 143441, Московская обл., Красногорский р-н, п/о Путилково, 72-й км МКАД, Бизнес-парк «Гринвуд», стр. 3, 5 этаж. Телефон