Бесшовный роуминг внутри единой Wi-Fi Mesh сети
Более стабильный и надежный сигнал Wi-Fi
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Highly available design for a wide range of environments
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Tenda SP3 is used for example here.
Note: If you have already controlled the smart plug, skip this step and go to Step 4.
Tap “Add a Device”, and follow the on-screen instructions to control and name your smart plug.
For example,name the smart plug “Plug test”.
Step 4 Connect your Tenda smart plug to Amazon Alexa.
1. Open the Amazon Alexa App, and tap the "Home" button icon in the bottom left corner. Then tap the navigation menu icon in the top left corner.
Now you can control your Tenda smart plug with Alexa.
Tenda Россия, Россия, 143441, Московская обл., Красногорский р-н, п/о Путилково, 72-й км МКАД, Бизнес-парк «Гринвуд», стр. 3, 5 этаж. Телефон