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How to Modify SSID and Password of WH302A
Step 1: Power on the AP, and connect your PC to one of the LAN ports by a cable, as the following illustration;
Step 2: Set a static IP for local area connection within the following range: 192.168.0.X (2-254), and with the subnet mask:;
Step 3: Launch a web browser to login AP’s web page;
① Launch IE browser, input in the address bar and press Enter;
② Type in the default username and password (admin for both) and click Login;
③ Then enter this device’s web page;
Step 4: Modify wireless SSID and wireless password of AP.
1. Change SSID for better suggestion when modifying wireless password.
2. Wireless will disconnect after modifying SSID and password, so it should be connected by scanning again.
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