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W309R-How to manage the router remotely?
Product line: wireless Question category: function configuration
Q:Why we need to configure the Remote Management?
A:Sometimes, if we need to manage router remotely in the office, you can achieve the function by the Remote WEB Management settings.
The topology is as below:
The steps are followings:
1. Login the management page of the router.
2. Click Parental ControlàRemote Web Management on the top menu of home page.
For example, if you want to manage the router remotely by the device with IP Address123.121.10.10, you can configure the router as below.
After the settings, the computer with the IP address can manage the router remotely.
Just type the
//(the router’s WAN IP address): 8080 in the address bar, then you can login to the management page of the router and management it remotely.
1. Type a specific Public IP address for the Remote Web Management IP Address means that you can only connect to this device remotely from a computer which is using this specific IP address.
2. We advise you to change the default login Username and Password if you enabled the Remote Management feature, especially you typed as the Remote Web Management IP address.
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