Señal Wi-Fi más estable y confiable
Mejore la cobertura de su red
Equipe sus dispositivos para una conexión Wi-Fi más rápida
Highly available design for a wide range of environments
Centralized Management
Requisitos estrictos de rendimiento de transmisión
Try the following solutions:
1.Check that your SIM card supports LTE or WCDMA.
2.Check that your SIM card is in your ISP’s service area.
3.Check that your SIM card balance is sufficient.
4.Start a web browser on the device connected to the router, and access // You will be redirected to the troubleshooting page. Then, perform troubleshooting as prompted on the page.
5.Confirm with your ISP if you are in a roaming service area. If yes, log in to the web UI of the router and navigate to Internet Settings to enable Data Roaming.
If the problem persists, contact our technical support.
Av. General Antonio Alvarez de Arenales 1912 oficina 1002 Lince, Lima , Peru