Señal Wi-Fi más estable y confiable
Mejore la cobertura de su red
Equipe sus dispositivos para una conexión Wi-Fi más rápida
Highly available design for a wide range of environments
Centralized Management
Requisitos estrictos de rendimiento de transmisión
Applicable products:TES7001&TES7002
Hardware Version: V1.0
OLT version:V1.0.0.86 PON version:V3.0.1.217/
Upgrade Notes:
1. This firmware is only fit for TES7001&TES7002.
2. Login to the OLT web using PC and upgrade the firmware versions Refer to TES7001 or 02 videos.
3. The upgrade software is not in any particular order, OLT software and PON software only needs to be upgraded once.
Release Notes:
1.Some existing bugs have been fixed
2.Added ONU auto find function.
3.Web supports OLT HTTP port modification.
4.Web supports viewing ONT port status and configuration functions.
5.Added custom ONU information.
6.Added remote configuration function for TR069 ACS server parameters.
Lancaster 15 Piso 3 Col. Juárez Del. Cuauhtémoc, CDMX