IP Camera, A Modern Necessity!

What makes an IP camera the best surveillance camera? For that youmust first need to understand the purpose of using an IP camera. Thepurposes of your surveillance system must include safety, reduced theft,improved productivity, or reducing liability. It also includes how quickly youneed to be notified of an alarm condition.

Safety and security have become a very importantobjective for surveillance camera systems and the latest intelligent IP camerasprovide advanced analytics that increases not only your security but alsoprovides new functionalities for more effective use. IP cameras become yourfirst line of defence against active shooter situations and increased domesticterrorism or rather in a completely different scenario, wherein you may onlyneed to record the video to determine how many people are in the store orworking in the office.

An IP camera must have a certain level ofperformance to meet your purposes before considering buying it in first place. AnIP camera’s performance must include high resolution video quality, low-lightcapability or in other words night vision, wide dynamic range, indoor oroutdoor environment compatibility, two-way audio, motion alarm and cloudstorage.

 IP cameras that provide immediate notifications are thereal hero which forms a complete part of an IP camera system. What can bebetter than an easy-installed app, which allows you to receive alarmingnotifications directly on your mobile phone.

 Let us learn how an IPcamera can help you in various ways:

1. Supervising your little ones

Parents are alwaysconcerned about the safety of their babies. An IP camera will definitelyprovide a sense of relief where they can watch their babies when they far awayfrom them.

2. Reduce Liability

There are people who make false insurance claimsagainst organizations. IP Cameras can help prevent this type of behaviour.Insurance companies sometimes provide certain benefits when cameras areinstalled in the premises and it also allows them to easily contest maliciousclaims.

3. Catcha Criminal

Do you want to find out who’s stealing your stuff? Youor your company must not suffer due to un-monitored theft or robbery. A good IPcamera system will keep you aware of what happens at your home or at youroffice and react quickly to prevent such theft. Also a strict action can betaken against an employee with an inappropriate behaviour with strong evidence.

4. ImproveProductivity

We would all like toimprove productivity because it’s very important for business success. Camerascan help to keep people productive and on their best behaviour.

5. Two-way Communication

Two-way audio capability allows you to use your IPcamera by managing a remote office. Thus traveling expense can be saved byusing an IP camera wherein you can talk to the people as well as see what’sgoing on.

Keeping in mind the above factors, Tenda has developed modern IPcameras which surely fit all the requirements you would possibly need. This newrange of indoor and outdoor IP cameras from Tenda are best in high qualityresolution, 360 degree view, night vision, motion alarm and cloud storage.

This range of IP cameras include C80s, C80 and C8.C80s and C80 are mainly designed for home security with powerful features suchas video quality of 1080p @ 25 fps, Pan/tilt with horizontal and verticalrotation, distance of 10 meter with IR-LED illumination, Wi-Fi and Ethernetcompatibility, Built-in microphone and speaker which is meant for two-waycommunication, motion detection and an app for remote view. Whereas, the C8 isdesigned majorly for outdoor use. The C8 is an IP66 certified IP camera whichis reliable, durable and waterproof in all type of weather, be it sunny, rainyor snowy.  

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