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i27V1.1br_V1.0.0.9(3487)Upgrade Note
Hardware Version: i27V1.1
Software Version: V1.0.0.9(3487)
Upgrade Notes:
1. This firmware is only fit for i27V1.1 & V1.0
2. Do not power off the device when upgrading.
3. Please unzip the file you downloaded and use the file ended with "bin" or "trx" to upgrade your device.
Release Notes:
1. Hard acceleration configuration function is added, hard acceleration is turned off by default to prevent device disconnection
Πύργος Τεχνολογίας Tenda ,#1001 Int' l E-Πόλη Δρόμος Zhongshanyuan, Περιοχή Nanshan, Shenzhen, Κίνα, 518052