Elimina con eficacia cualquier zona sin cobertura
Señal WiFi estable, segura y de gran alcance
Mejore la cobertura de su red
Equipe sus dispositivos para una conexión Wi-Fi más rápida
Highly available design for a wide range of environments
Centralized Management
Requisitos estrictos de rendimiento de transmisión
O6 5GHz Outdoor CPE is designed to PtP&P2MP solutions for video surveillance transmission and wireless broadband access. Adopts of 11ac wireless technology and gigabit ethernet Port design, the maximum throughput for ptp connection can be up to 450Mbps. It features with 16dBi dual polarization directional antenna to provide an efficient way to pick up and maintain a stable long range connection.
* Total Throughput
* Real throughput depends on the actual application environment
Quantity of Clients
Calle Rufino González 8 - Edificio 2 Planta 5 Derecha Madrid - 28037