Elimina con eficacia cualquier zona sin cobertura
Señal WiFi estable, segura y de gran alcance
Mejore la cobertura de su red
Equipe sus dispositivos para una conexión Wi-Fi más rápida
Highly available design for a wide range of environments
Centralized Management
Requisitos estrictos de rendimiento de transmisión
How to upgrade the firmware of 5G NR Router
We will inform you through the web management page if there’s any update firmware available for your router.
1.Make sure that you have a stable connection between the router and your computer. It is NOT recommended to upgrade the firmware wirelessly.
2.Please ensure that the current 5G network is stable when upgrading online.
3.NOT turn off the router during the firmware upgrade.
Online Upgrade
1.Log in the web interface.
2.If there’s any firmware update available for your router, the update iconwill display on the bottom-right corner of the page. Click the icon to go to the Firmware Upgrade page.
3.Alternatively, you can go to System Settings>Firmware Upgrade, and click Upgrade to see if there are any new firmware.
4.Wait a few moments for the upgrading and rebooting.
After you do the above troubleshooting, if still no internet access, you will need to contact Tenda support to further troubleshoot your concern. You can contact support.fwa
Calle Rufino González 8 - Edificio 2 Planta 5 Derecha Madrid - 28037