FH1202-How to change the SSID and wireless password

How to change the SSID and wireless password

Model number: FH1202

The cause of changing SSID and wireless password is to protect the wireless network. This article will guide you how to change the SSID and wireless password.

Part 1: Login the homepage of the router

Part 2: Change the SSID and wireless password

Part 3: Reboot the router

1. Open a browser then type in the Address bar, click on Enter.

说明: 192167.jpg

2. Type the Username and Password as admin in the bars then click on Login to login the setting page of the router.


3. Click on Advanced on the right of the page to login the advanced setting page.

说明: home.jpg

1. Click on Wireless and Basic, then select 2.4G or 5G, select country, then you can change the SSID as you want. Click on Save to save the settings.

说明: wireless basic.jpg

2. Click on Security, select 2.4G or 5G, choose the security mode as WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK, input your security key, and click Save to save the setting.

说明: wireless security.jpg

1.   Click on Tools and Reboot, and then hit on the Reboot button to reboot the router for refreshing the device info.

说明: reboot.jpg


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