What differentiates humans from animals is the way we have many different technological ways to communicate with each other. The whole journey of communication started with the earliest Homo sapiens, wandering the savannahs and along the seashore, using caves for shelter if they were available. Our early ancestors may have gathered around a fire to discuss their day to day activities and possibly even the stars but over time they decided to record their activities and knowledge. Using sometimes quite sophisticated techniques, they created some amazing depictions on the walls of caves to communicate with the people around them and also to future generations. The problem with this communication method was that it was localized to its environment. As people became more settled and with the development of trade, long distance communication became more important.
One early form of long-distance communication was the smoke signal. In ancient China, soldiers stationed along the Great Wall would alert each other of impending enemy attack by signalling from tower to tower. In this way, they were able to transmit a message as far away as 750 kilometres. But there were problems with this communication system as well. With the development of writing technology and domestication of the horse, carrying the messages further developed. Later, the mail, news and small packages were delivered on horseback. It was regarded as the first courier service. From the early 19th century onwards more communication methods like semaphore flags, telegraph, Morse code were developed until we arrive at radio and ultimately the first telephone at the end of the 19th Century.
In the 1970's, private companies had started developing their own system to evolve existing system further. Those private systems were Analog Mobile Phone System (AMPS) used in America, Total Access Communication System (TACS) and Nordic Mobile Telephone (NMT) used in parts of Europe and Japanese Total Access Communication System (J-TACS) used in Japan and Hong Kong. These were called as the first generation communication system.
Cellular telecom networks, the second generation, were commercially launched in 1991 in Finland on GSM standards (Global System for Mobile). This could deliver data up to 9.6 Kbps. 2G introduced the data services for mobile, introducing the SMS text message service. To achieve higher data rates, GSM carriers started to develop a service called the GPRS (General Packet Radio Service). GPRS could transmit data up to 160 kbps. The phase after GPRS was called the Enhanced Data Rates for GSM Evolution (EDGE). It introduced 8PSK Modulation scheme which could deliver data rates up to 500 kbps using the same GPRS infrastructure. This was the time when internet services became popular and prevalent. Mobile phones started supporting web browsing and private companies had the goal to provide a minimum data rate of 2Mbps for stationary or walking users and 384 Kbps for moving vehicle, popularly known as the 3G era.
The Initial goal of communication was mobility and global connectivity. But as the technology evolved, the services started expanding. Now services were not restricted to voice and SMS only. People started to love the ubiquitous wireless protocol called the Wi-Fi. I do not need to stress the importance of Wi-Fi, but I can certainly stress on the importance of better Wi-Fi routers.
Tenda's AC6 is a Smart Dual-band Wi-Fi Router with a strong signal and stable performance. It supports 5th generation Wi-Fi standard 802.11ac and the concurrent dual-band speed up to 1167Mbps. 900MHz CPU from Broadcom offers fast & stable performance. AC6 has twice the through-wall ability than normal routers. It has independent power amplifiers, beamforming intelligent technology and 4 times of 5dBi HG antennas. You can enjoy lag-free gaming and uninterrupted video streaming anytime anywhere. AC6 also supports smart power saving technology, App remote management creates a low-power consumption and smart eco-friendly life for your whole family. The AC6 is one of a range ofTenda Routers which our ancestors would have been happy to use!