Señal Wi-Fi más estable y confiable
Mejore la cobertura de su red
Equipe sus dispositivos para una conexión Wi-Fi más rápida
Highly available design for a wide range of environments
Centralized Management
Requisitos estrictos de rendimiento de transmisión
Free cloud storage for three months
Supports up to 256 GB Micro SD card
Supports NVR/NAS for recording storage via Tenda protocol or Onvif protocol.
AES256-bit ultra-strong encryption is used to secure data transmission.
Security certification level is ISO/IEC 27018.
You can select password, fingerprint, face ID to login to the App to ensure the security of account.
Power on the Tenda Security Pan/Tilt Camera.
Download the TDSEE App.
Run the App and follow the instructions to connect the camera to the internet.
Cra. 16a #79-5 , Oficina 507, Bogotá D.C ,Colombia