Señal Wi-Fi más estable y confiable
Mejore la cobertura de su red
Equipe sus dispositivos para una conexión Wi-Fi más rápida
Highly available design for a wide range of environments
Centralized Management
Requisitos estrictos de rendimiento de transmisión
1.Firstly, please ensure that your 4G signal strength is good. If the signal is weak, it may affect network speed. You can try adjusting the position of the router or external antennas to obtain better signals.
2. Restarting routers and devices can sometimes improve network speed.
3.If multiple devices are connected to the router and use the network simultaneously, it may cause a decrease in network speed. Attempt to limit the number of devices to prioritize data traffic for specific devices.
4. If possible, contact the operator to inquire if there are higher speed packages available for selection.
Cra. 16a #79-5 , Oficina 507, Bogotá D.C ,Colombia