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W1800R-How to change the SSID and wireless password?
Product line: wireless question category: wireless settings
1.Connect the router to your computer.
2. Open a browser or safari, then input in the address bar, click Enter.
2.Input admin, admin, click Login.
3.Click Advanced.
4.Click on Wireless, change the SSID(Wireless network name). The setting for 5G is the same.
5. Click on Wireless Security
It’s the same for 5G.
Now you can use your laptop or search the new SSID and enter the new security key to connect to it.
If you don't know how to connect to your Wi-Fi, please click this link
Tenda Technology Tower, #1001 Int'l E-City Zhongshanyuan Road,Nanshan District, Shenzhen China 518052 (Китай)