F9-How to configure AP mode

Applicable ModelTenda F9       Question CategoryInternet Setting
说明: C:\Users\kevin\Desktop\11.png
The main router connect to WAN/LAN ports of F9, PC connect to LAN port of F9, the picture as below:
You also can connect to F9 via wireless, the default SSID name is Tenda MAC last six characters, and no password.

说明: C:\Users\kevin\Desktop\截图00.png

说明: C:\Users\kevin\Desktop\22.png
Open browser, input “tendawifi.com” in address bar or “”and login router setup interface. (delivery status don’t have password)
You can select PPPOE, DHCP, Static IP as you want and configure wireless name and password.

说明: C:\Users\kevin\Desktop\AP.png
    Click ‘Internet Settings’, select ‘AP Mode’, and then click ‘OK’, it will pop a dialog and click OK.

说明: C:\Users\kevin\Desktop\截图01.png

After the reboot process is complete, please use ‘tendawifi.com’ to login to the Web UI.
说明: C:\Users\kevin\Desktop\APP.png
Noted: AP Mode, you can login webpage of router with ‘tendawifi.com’, if you want to login webpage of F9 with cable, you need to login main router and check IP address of F9.

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